Hello everyone! I have officially decided that my Jumper Class is very overpowered (but extremely fun to play as). I say this for two reasons: 1) at level 10 the teleporting abilities of the Jumper allows a player to teleport indefinitely upward without ever hitting the ground 2) I am a pain in the butt to kill.
We are currently facing a trial where we have to fight a clone of ourselves that has all the same equipment and abilities that we do. One would think “Ah! Brilliant challenge!” but in my case because I on average deal in the realm of 18 damage (a.k.a half my total health), have a +11 on attack rolls, and my abilities allow me to ignore an enemies Dex bonus to AC, it basically boils down to who is favored by the gods of dice rolling. Long story short, I’m having trouble killing myself.
Anyway, back to the classes! Here are the final five base class descriptions:
7) Paladin: The righteous warrior. This class has high HP, can wield most weapons and armor, and has a small set of support spells to heal minor damage or increase stats. While all of these are good things, there is one “problem” (depending on your preferences) with the Paladin in that it MUST be Lawful Good aligned. This means you must do the right thing ALL THE TIME. Paladins are tanky front liners that boost their melee capability with spells.
[This post is property of Do A Spot Check]
8) Ranger: Think Aragon from The Lord of the Rings. Rangers can either fight at a distance with bows or up close using Two Weapon Fighting. They also have the help of an animal companion, like the druid. Rangers are primarily offensive damage dealers, usually specializing in the multitude of ranged feats they can take advantage of more than any other class.
9) Rogue: (My favorite class). This class is the skill master. No other class is as proficient in skills or has as many skill points as any other class. They are also the only class that can disable and notice magical traps. In addition, Rogues can deal high damage with Sneak Attacks. Rogues, while not the best combat class, are a vital part of any group because of their sneaky battle tactics and high skill proficiency.
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A Sorcerer Courtesy of Wes-Talbott |
10/11) Sorcerer and Wizard: These two are together because they have more or less the same abilities, but are played very differently. Both of them are the quintessential spell casters of D&D, but the way they cast their spells are very different. Sorcerers cast spells as an inherent ability that they gain from their bloodline, though they don't know very many spells. Wizards, on the other hand, gain their spells through study and hard work and then record them in their spell book. Basically, Sorcerers know a few spells that they can cast at will, while Wizards can cast a much wider range of spells but fewer of them. These two classes are generally the party’s primary spell casters and while weak in lower levels, they are devastating at higher levels. [This post is property of Do A Spot Check]
Hope you enjoyed this layman’s rendition of the classes. Until next time!
Player Tip of the Week
Keep note of minute details. While it can be a little difficult to keep track of exactly what is in your surroundings, sometimes the smallest of details can be the answer to a potentially lethal situation.
For instance, in the same situation as mentioned in last week’s example, the man who we were supposed to kill jumped down into his cellar and grabbed a pencil that was on a desk and wrote on some magic leaves that allowed him to disappear from our sight in the cellar. [This post is property of Do A Spot Check]
As stated last week, I had already searched this cellar and noticed the pencil. If only I would have taken the pencil (or at least moved it) then we wouldn’t have ended up in a dim cellar, which we filled with fog thinking that we would be able to see his silhouette move in the mist. It didn’t work…
DM Tip of the Week
Improvisation is a good thing. In a D&D campaign, almost nothing will go as expected, but just because there was a hiccup in your master plan doesn’t mean the end of the world. In fact this is often a good opportunity to expound on the plot of the story and make the campaign better. [This post is property of Do A Spot Check]
For instance, in our current campaign, we had made it to this town which had been charred to a crisp before we arrived, and I wanted to search it for loot. Even though our DM had not planned on there being anything I rolled a 25 on my search check (so there just had to be something to find, right?). So I found a cellar that had 5 bottles of vintage wine that were worth a small fortune.
Lo and behold, though, these bottles of wine were actually Shadowbreaker Wine that when drunk cause the drinker to become possessed with an evil spirit sealed in the wine. It just so happens that this is a major plot device for later in the campaign.
None of this was planned. All of these thoughts and ideas were entirely made up on the spot and left me wanting to drink the wine while my party is threatening to kill me if I so much as touch the cork. It was great.